by lulumum

Monday, May 24, 2010

Compression socks, not just for runners

Years ago I was prescribed compression stockings for varicose veins in my legs. They weren't big veins or very noticeable to someone not specifically looking for them but I knew they were there and they bothered me. I never did use the stockings because, well, they were ugly and expensive ($100++). Now Lululemon carries compression socks for runners to support muscle recovery and leg drainage of lactic acid buildup. Here is what I love about my lulu compression socks:

1. Cheap! $25 and they work just as well for varicose veins as the prescription ones. very tight fitting yet comfy. I had noticeable difference after one use.
2. relieves achy legs after a run  in about 20 minutes for me. Also great when you get puffy, achy legs during PMS.
3. great for leg and foot swelling in pregnancy
4. They look much cuter than the pharmacy brand ones.
LULU-1887 W Ultimate Compression,



  1. Where are these located. I called GEC and they don't have any. Would love a pair.

  2. I found them at Coquitlam centre after being told at Metrotown that they were unstocking them for some reason. Coquitlam had new colours too. Try the outlet store they may have reached them there.


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