by lulumum

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Stress Less Pullover Is Back! Laser Cut Bordeaux Drama Define Jacket, And Photo Of Heathered Sapphire Blue Scuba III

Thanks to reader Ms. C for the store photo! She spotted the Heathered Bordeaux Stress Less Pullover(along with Heathered Black and Navy) and a new Bordeaux Drama Define Jacket with laser cut detailing ($118). I doubt it will happen but I'd love the Stress Less Pullover in Heathered Sapphire Blue. 

Bordeaux Drama Define Jacket

 Heathered Sapphire Blue Scuba Hoodie III



  1. I love my stress less from last year !!!! Can't wait. Do you think they will be uploaded ? Oh and one more question, was there a "what we love" on Thursday?

    1. Katelin is on vacation in Hawaii so no WWL this week.
      I really hope it uploads. I definitely want one. I don't even think I care what color I end up with although I do like the Bordeaux one.

  2. Ugh why the stress less pullover?! Out of all the pullovers to bring back. I passed on this last year and I'm certainly not interested in it this year. And what is up with coming out with Bordeaux Drama AGAIN?! I think this is like the 4th year in a row for fall /winter!! I love the colour and have many pieces from years past but now it's just over done.

    1. I agree with you. They are recycling colors way too often. I think it's just cheaper because they buy greater quantity of material at lower cost and they beat rising costs that way as well. But that is short sighted because the customer that has one or two pieces in Bordeaux is not going to repeat purchase the same color over and over again.
      I'm really happy to see Sapphire. That is pretty much wish blue from 2010 brought back and it's popular. I'd love to see more Plum Peach, more greens but I think those two color families aren't great sellers.

    2. I like Plum Peach too, I bought the Space Dye Plum Peach Swiftly Long Sleeve this year, but that's the only Plum Peach I have. I love all the varying shades of peach, so would love to see more like this. I also agree, we don't see a lot of nice greens either, and greens are another one that I love in lots of varying shades. I have the Bali Breeze In Flux and CRB - love this shade!

    3. I got that swiftly LS too and I don't even like swiftlies. I'll definitely have to use it more this fall/winter to justify it but I just loved the color.
      Bali Breeze/Menthol, Wish/Pigment/Sapphire and Plum Peach are my favourite lulu colors.

    4. I love my stress less Pull over, but missed it in the Plum Peach. I would also love to see more of that color! I don't need it in black.

  3. I kind of like the looks of new Bordeaux Drama Laser Cut Define Jacket. Is the cut out pattern the Jazzy Snake pattern? it kind of looks like it, I don't mind it, but I think I'd prefer a floral pattern or a lace type pattern. I do have the Bordeaux Drama Define from last year, so this one isn't a must have for me, but I might consider it after seeing more of it. It looks like they've left off the little satin tab on the back vent on this one... maybe they thought it might look better without it since there is a lot of detail going on back there with the laser cut details...

    Just my two cents on the recycling of colours we're seeing, sure, I agree that for those of us who have most pieces in a colour, we're not going to be thrilled to see the same pieces in the same colour again and again, but, what about those who need to replace an older item, those who missed out on an item, or those who are new to Lulu and just beginning to build their collection... I don't mind seeing the same colours back again,as long as we're also seeing a lot of other new choices to choose from along with them. Also, sometimes it's nice to add in a new piece in the same colour that you have another piece in that you'd like to match with, for example I have a Bordeaux Drama Define from last year, as well as a pair of Black Groove Pants from last year with a Bordeaux waistband - I'd love to add a Bordeaux CRB to pair up with these two pieces! So I don't mind seeing the same colours back again at all - but like I said before, as long as we're also seeing lots of other colours to choose from as well.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm on the fence about the laser cut that looks like jazzy snake. I did get the beyond boundaries pant which has that detail up the side, but I'm not a fan of jazzy snake and my interest in this detail is limited. Having said that, that define jacket isn't bad. I hope they put out more "special designs" this fall and winter as the basics are getting a little...basic.

    As for the recycling of colors, I agree with Anonymous 11:45am that as long as we're also seeing new colors come out, I don't mind the older ones making a reappearance (within reason!). I do like Bordeaux Drama. And I agree with @lulumum that Plum Peach is another one I wouldn't mind seeing more of!

  6. oh my, a heathered sapphire blue stress less pullover would be devine... i think i'm going to have to sell a few things quick, *just in case* ;-)

  7. Personally I think they've been going to their big sellers as far as color to up their sales. And brought the define back for that reason too. They couldn't care less about what their customers really want. They think we are sheep. Just my opinion of course.

    1. I don't think they care at all either, they only care about in what way they can make as much money as possible, and I felt this way before this whole pants thing too, so I'm not saying this for that reason.

  8. Can anyone comnent on whether the terry version of scuba III fits the same as regular version of scuba III? My store only had terry version that I was able to try on. But I want to know if same size would work for this new sapphire one coming. Thanks in advance!

    1. I found them to be large! I normally wear a scuba in 6 and the 6 terry scuba III was HUGE on me. I didn't try the 4, so I can't recommend for sure sizing down, but I would suggest it.

    2. yes it fits the same as the cotton fleece scuba III (but both are bigger than the scuba IIs).

  9. Just an FYI my store had the heathered deep navy CRB's in that we saw on a HK upload. (Masonville London, on)
    I snagged that one up of course!

    1. ooops, I meant heathered naval blue.....(Not deep navy) they are a bit different.

  10. I got the laser define jacket today in San Diego on sale already for $59! Needless to say, I was pleasantly shocked! Unfortunately it was the last one they had but maybe other stores will be discounting it quickly too.

    1. Oh wow, lucky you! I wonder why they're already discounted?

    2. No clue...since I'd just read this thread that morning and knew the jacket was new, I didn't want to ask for fear they'd double check and it would suddenly return to full price!

    3. I once similarly found a newish item on markdown in a store (I think it was a long-sleeve swiftly) and when I told the ed I was surprised it was marked down she said "Oh, well, it was the last one we had in that color." I also have encountered surprising markdowns when a store gets an online return of a product they're not carrying (the wee-space/grapefruit Pace Rivals, to give a recent example). I think they do that so they don't have random, stray items hanging/sitting around.

  11. Does anyone know if they've already uploaded/sold out the sapphire blue scuba III on the US side? I might have completely missed it without even knowing... I see it on the Canada side online.


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