The upload was once again horrible and difficult and it crashed on me multiple times. #fixtheupload. Thankfully I was able to order the Heathered Deep Coal CRB before it crashed on me again. It looks like the US got two kinds of Herringbone Vinyasas but by the time I was able to actually see the upload the Ghost Herringbone was sold out. I wish Canada had gotten the darker Herringbone uploaded - I may have ordered that one. Although I am waiting for the Herringbone High Waisted Wunder Unders instead. The Heathered Deep Coal CRB is pretty stunning though so I am very excited to get that one. I am feeling great temptation over the *cotton *roll down Heathered Bordeaux Wunder Unders but I don't wear them casually and I cannot see myself wearing them to Crossfit so essentially, they are just a momentary feel good impulsive purchase and I would ultimately feel bad for giving in.
What did you order today?
Find Your Centre Wrap
(thank you for spelling it correctly)
(thank you for spelling it correctly)
This backpack is cute but I didn't care for the steep price tag of $128
Not at all liking the busyness of the seam work on this. I feel like the Omega shaped seam shortens the torso a lot, and perhaps widens it. Is that a good thing?
This is a great Forme Jacket. Love it in the black Camo
I am over The Sweater Life parade. The sweater is cute and did not work out for me therefore I wish to see no more of it. Where are the winter weight Chai Time Sweaters?
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