by lulumum

Monday, June 30, 2014

Crossfit WOD

Normally I work out Saturday and Sunday mornings but I wasn't able to this weekend. I had surgery back in March with a groin incision which had healed up perfectly but for some reason, Friday night my incision looked really gnarly and angry so I stopped in at the ER Saturday morning to check it out and it turns out I had a big blood blister caused by dissolvable stitches in the deeper layer having not dissolved. Boo to that. Anyways, by Saturday night the scar opened up a bit and so I took it easy and didn't work out so that it could heal a bit. Back at it today though, I just took it easy. 

800 Meter Run, then three rounds of 5 pullups/ 10 pushups, 15 air squats
Hang Power Snatch practice for 25 minutes, work to heavy

Metcon (amrap) for 9 minutes
14 Hang Power Snatch at 65#
21 Box Jumps

I managed three rounds, but the snatches where super taxing at that weight (even though my 1rep is double that) so I had to split them up in reps of 7, 4, 3. It was an off day weight wise for me but I was also being very gingerly about how I lifted due to my incision. I wore my Inner Heart Bra, I love the look of it but it is lower cut on the sides than my Energy Bra so it feels tighter and cuts into my lats. I like the square neckline though. Also wore my Black Swan Cool Racerback and my Roll Down Wunder Unders in Black Camo. 


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