by lulumum

Monday, September 26, 2011

Product Drop Monday

Rocksteady, Surge, Black, Lavender Grey, Heathered Magnum
Highland village Luluemon is also reporting that they have special UPF Cool Racerback Tanks in that is UPF fabric/luon hybrid with UV protection of 50+ and is heat repellent. It's a special edition CRB. 



  1. I'm getting really tempted by the extra long CRBs... I think they look awesome with crops!

  2. When are they going to make "petite" CRBs? The regular ones are already long and yeah yeah I know luluemon will shorten them for me but the straps are long too so it is a bit revealing. Kudos to those of you who need the extra length of the extra long CRB. Wish I were tall...

  3. i'm 6'0 and i find the XL CRB's ridiculous. so, for what that's worth.

  4. Ugh, these crbs make everyone look like a fat cow. Why do they keep making them? The UPF is particularly hideous.


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