by lulumum

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Crossfit WOD

Today was a really great WOD for me. My arms, traps, biceps and generally the top half of my body was sore from Mondays 50 clean and jerks but I still managed to do this WOD as prescribed which doesn't happen all that often. I love wods like this one though.

I am having some bad habits lately that are contributing to my inability to lose weight. I have a real issue with operating under severe sleep deficit. This is for several reasons, first, my kids wake me up during the night for water, or because of nightmares or whatever anywhere from 2am to 4am. It happens every single night. In itself this would be ok but paired with the fact that I am a night owl and often stay up until midnight, and then need to wake up at 5am for crossfit....well, I'm not at my best. My other bad habit is my dinners. My husband works awful hours and so when he misses dinner at home I tend to not want to cook for myself so I just either don't eat dinner, or we eat out, or a graze, or a nibble dinner with my kids at 4pm and then snack in the evening. My protein intake is probably very low for the past several weeks and with my lack of proper sleep I am very low energy throughout the day and very cranky. I need to figure out how to go to sleep earlier, or nap and I need to put in more effort into food prep even if it is just for myself. I don't think any diet I do will help me until I get these habits under control, especially during times of schedule chaos like I am in now. 

Warmup/Skills: Burgener Warm-up , Skills transfer work - Snatch Push Press, Overhead Squat, Heaving Snatch Balance, Snatch Balance Without Dip, Snatch Balance with dip

WOD "Jump Around"
2 rounds for time (9:51 for me)
15 Hang Power Snatch @95lb/65lb (65#)
 20 Wall Ball Shots @20lb/14lb (14#)
25 Box Jumps

Bruised Berry Cool Racerback, Heathered Bruised Berry Tuck And Flow LS, In The Flows in Soot Light. 


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