by lulumum

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lululemon Half Marathon!! The Sea Wheeze

Oh my gosh this is so cool!! Lululemon is doing a half marathon on August 11, 2012 in Vancouver and I will so be participating in this. I can't wait to see what kind of medals they have for this one. Go here to register



  1. Wow-- they should throw in a free GW for that price!! That's the most expensive half ever-- more than any FULL I've ever paid for!!

  2. I agree! That is a very expensive half marathon! I bet there will be a headband in the goodie bag LOL

  3. NYC Half is the same price FYI

  4. Yeah but the NYC marathon requires so much more money to make it possible to put on due to the location and size. I read an article about it in runners world. The bmo full marathon also in Vancouver is put on for $70


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