by lulumum

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Gratitude Wrap Colors Coming! Ghost and Blurred Grey

Ghost and Blurred Grey Gratitude Wraps are coming according to a product alert email I just received!



  1. and I'm assuming they will only be released to Canada. I am one angry lulu shopper.

  2. I wish they would upload all of those colors today which would make several chances to get one.

  3. Yuck. I don't like these at all and i do NOT see what the big deal is. They make everyone's hips/thighs look huge they way they gather at the bottom.

    Save your money! blegh.

  4. they remind me of a pumpkin halloween costume my mom wore when she was pregnant. I thought I liked them at first, but I keep seeing photos of it with the drawstring pulled in, and its really ruining it for me. I prefer the method wrap for sure.

  5. I agree! I hadn't seen a gratitude wrap before (but had heard of it being sold for $400 on ebay!). When the produce notification for my local store showed it I thought it was a bit frumpy.

  6. That's good to know. I rushed to Coquitlam on Monday to get a Black GW and then logged onto Lulu early this morning and had Black Swan in my basket and thought about it and thought about you really need 2 so similar in colour and sadly decided "NO". Then I saw this and thought I made the right decision I prefer a totally different colour.

  7. Any ideas when the colours are coming in?

  8. Were the grey and ghost from a Canadian product notification?


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