by lulumum

Friday, March 17, 2017

Guest Fit Review|Squad Goals Tank Trinity Mesh, On The Fly Short

Amazing reader 'Mrs. O' has shared with us some fit reviews with the help of her awesome husband taking photos for us. Huge thank you to the both of them!!  

If you'd like to share fit reviews, you can email me at, or if you'd like to share or read fit reviews on the Lululemon Reviews Group on facebook, click on the link to join.

Mrs. O's fit review:

When I saw this tank upload, I was undecided about it.  Then I saw in store pictures and still wasn't sure.  My initial feeling when I tried it on was "I hate it!"  It was too short and too see through.  But in looking at my photos, I don't hate it.  I did like the feel of the mesh fabric, the high neck and cut of the shoulders.  I'll probably still pass on this tank because I didn't love it and the price is high.

I tried on my TTS 6 in the On the Fly Short.  It fit comfortably in the legs and waist but if you have a bum, the pockets stretch funny and pucker.  Unfortunately, I didn't have time to try on a size 8 to see if I had the same problem.  I did like the feel of the fabric (very soft) and the length.  I didn't realize my tank was skewed until I came home and downloaded the pictures.


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  1. That mesh tank would be way too short for me, and I wouldn't exactly consider it a "going to coffee" style. I do appreciate Mrs. O's fit reviews and pictures though. ((Even though they only serve to strengthen my resolve not to buy anything.)

  2. I bought On The Fly shorts with 21% discount on Women's Day and love them. I'm a size 4 and I got a size 4. Great fit and so classy looking. They are so much better executed than Spring break away from last year. Good job lulu

  3. Seeing it pictured here, the mesh tank is slightly less gym class-y than I thought previously, but why SO SHORT? I know this would just look dumb on me because of the length, even with high-rise bottoms. The price tag is ridiculous either way. There are so many more worthwhile things to spend $58 on.

  4. I don't like the cut of the shoulders at all. I think it makes the shoulders look bigger, which most people don't want. I'm also sick to tears of all the low cut arm holes. The fabric does look nicer than expected, but I'm not optimistic they'll make a tank in a cut I like. Good thing I have a decent collection of Power Ys and (original) CRBs.


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