This is completely off topic but I've been waiting all day for my favorite gossip blogger to post about the Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Divorce and she just did. I'm honest to goodness not a hollywood gossip follower (ok, just a little) but I do love Lainey Gossips take on hollywood strategy and her inside scoops so be sure to read her posts on it. I bet you a Heathered Paris Pink Define Jacket that Katie Holmes will be dying those greys finally and looking her best ever. She's been looking really haggard lately which saddens me because she is so young and beautiful but I know that now that her contract is up (or prematurely terminated) she will make an appearance soon looking more beautiful than ever and she will bust her butt getting her career back. Don't ever underestimate a woman's ability to reinvent herself. Who knows...maybe she'll play Anastasia in the Fifty Shades of Grey movie . She'd be perfect.
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